Eugenix / Advanced Grade Baldness Treated with 7000 Grafts

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Eugenix hair science
Messages : 293
Inscription : 13 juil. 2019, 07:15

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Best Results of advanced Grade Baldness, 7000 Grafts (Scalp + Beard), Dr Pradeep Sethi and Dr Arika Bansal - Eugenix Hair Sciences

Mr. Raman was very conscious about his hair loss and he used to keep his hair on the side of his head longer and used to cover the balding area with it. He had curlier side of hair and the donor density was very good and he wanted to cover the total area in one go.

With our rich experience of BHT, we took up the case and judiciously kept the hairline at the optimum point (not too hight neither too low) keeping in mind the ultimate coverage of his total bald area.

Breakup of the grafts:

Scalp: 4000 (Singles: 558, Rest were multiples)

Beard: 3000

Since he had curlier side of scalp hair, his beard hair blended well with the transplanted scalp hair. We provided the graded density from front to crown keeping in mind that the front is the aesthetic importance to the person.

After 11 months most of his hair were grown and the crown was as expected, had a little lower density in comparison to the front. And his scalp donor is still adequate to be harvested again to do the crown.






Eugenix Hair Sciences, India

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